6 Quotes & Sayings By Amy Holder

Amy Holder, author of "The Story of Simon's Song" and "The Story of Rebekah's Song", has appeared on numerous national radio programs, has been a guest on "Good Morning America" and "Today", and is the winner of the 2006 National Voice Award for Best Children's Biography. Her works have been published through Kregel Publications Inc., Zondervan Publishing House, and New Leaf Press. She is currently working on her second book.

Nancy Herman, my new gym partner and locker neighbor, puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Don't worry April. I have foot fungus too. Amy Holder
I stamped, certified, and lipsticked my life in a package sent through Priority Mail directly to the devil herself...and there's no turning back. Amy Holder
My secret world of bosom sculpting is crashing down around me. I’m destined for bra-stuffing rehab in a distant boobicus minimus land. I just know it. Amy Holder
In my opinion, the person who created the torture device called gym class should be clobbered with an enormous frozen cucumber. Not to mention, the person who decided it would be a great idea to schedule me in first period gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday also deserves a heavy-handed whacking with the same frozen cucumber. Amy Holder
Everyone knows he's crazier than a shaved mule in a toboggan race. Amy Holder